Love Your Bible in a Whole New Way!

Embark on a journey through the entirety of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, with our full-color and meticulously detailed reading plan.

In just one year, you'll cover every word from "In" to "Amen." Designed for ease of use, our reading plan offers a day-by-day, week-by-week roadmap through specific corresponding chapters and verses of the Bible, allowing you to read the same account from different authors in different books. Each week has its own dedicated page, and each day is marked with its own box. Within these boxes, you'll find the day's reading, highlights of what's to come, and a checkbox to track your progress. Discover the Bible in an entirely new way.

This digital download is available as a PDF compatible with any device. Additionally, you can print it from your home, office, or any professional printer.

Click Here to Learn More

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Welcome to the neighborhood! We look forward to sharing updates, event announcements, and giveaways with you. Until then, be blessed and start your new reading plan! Until the whole world hears... Pastor David Schmall Love Your Neighbor Ministries